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Here are some Happy Families that have purchased puppies from us in the past.  We are proud to have sold puppies in several different States including Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, Wisconsin, New Mexico, & Alaska.  We love to keep in touch with the families that purchase our puppies.  To hear updates, see pictures and answer any questions that may come up.  We hope you consider our puppies when looking for your best friend and companion!



Arya & Brandon – Daisy & Teddy’s Litter



Duncan – Daisy & Teddy’s Litter







Franko – Teddy and Daisy’s litter (pictured above)



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Gorgeous Boy!! 

(Jay Jay and Chunks 2008 Litter)





Such a beautiful face!

(Jay Jay and Chunk 2009 Litter)




(Roxy and Chunks 1st Litter!)



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(Jay Jay and Chunk 2009 Litter)




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 (Roxy & Chunks 2009 Litter) - 5 ˝ months old, 73 lbs.



Rosie  (Jay Jay & Chunks 2008 Litter)



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Nella Mae (Roxy & Chunks 2009 Litter)



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“Cody” and “Bella” with their adorable new owners!


Cody & Bella are out of Jay Jay and Chunk’s 2008 litter.



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What a happy dog “Forest” is!!


Forest is out of Roxy and Chunk’s 2008 litter.




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Dusty is out of Roxy and Chunk’s 2008 Litter and what a beautiful boy he is!!!



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The Voth Family with their beautiful dog “Cody”.  Cody is out of Roxy & Chunk’s 2007 litter.




Brother & Sister “Halo” and “Leela” . 

Halo is out of Roxy and Chunk’s 2007 litter.  Leela is out of their 2008 litter.


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Leela & Halo proudly displaying their Graduation CapsJ





Hi Heather,

Nice to hear from you. Sidney is doing very well. She is very strong, very healthy, very happy - we often call her the world's best dog. Sidney absolutely loves to play and run. She's an athlete. She gets to see her brother, Indiana, about twice a week, and they have a ball. Sidney is so smart. She's learned so much over the last year. For example, she's learned to get our remote control when we're sitting down on the couch and it's out of reach. If my wife is in the other room, we've taught her to take notes back and forth. I might be working and I suddenly have an overwhelming sense of being watched. I look down, and sure enough, there is Sidney, sitting about two feet away, staring at me with a note in her mouth. Sidney also knows the names of her toys and likes to go get them when asked. "Get your bone," or "get your ball," are the two major ones she knows.

Sidney is so sweet. Mirka and I have taught her a specific routine for going to bed. Every night since she was a puppy, we would put her on our bed, snuggle for a while, pick her up, and lay her down on her bed, then give her a little water in a special night time bowl. Unfortunately for us, Sidney now expects this every night, and yes, even at 64 pounds, she insists on being put into bed by me. If I become firm with her, telling her to "Go to your bed," she very sadly slinks off the bed and flops down onto hers with a sigh - an extra loud, melodramatic sigh.

We're so grateful for such a good animal.

I will send you a few more emails with pictures.


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Hi, this is Kiley Comeaux. Sandy is growing SO fast, and she is so lovable. We love her so much, she isn't just our dog she is truly part of the family. Its getting cooler down here, and i can tell she like the cool weather. She is my big baby, I bet she would let me give her a belly rub for a hour if i would. We recently got a new kitten, and she loves to watch it play, and sometimes she will try to play with him, but she is a little too big to play with out tiny kitty. I attached some recent pictures of her so that you could see how fast she has grown. The first one is me with her, and there is one of her curled up on my brothers lap. In other ones you can see her whole body, and her pretty coloring.


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Well, Leela is settling in to her new home now.  Her accidents in the house are getting less and less (which of course makes us ecstatic)!  She has started puppy kindergarten and is doing VERY well.  She also has a tendency to listen to mom a lot more than dad.  She and I are bonding quite nicely.  She is our little pumpkin!  Last night we had a play date at a friend’s house and both she and Halo were absolutely exhausted!  It went Brandon, Halo, Me and then Leela on the couch cuddling (it was quite crowded)!  We can’t believe how much she loves water.  If there is more than a drop of water anywhere, she is acutely aware of it and must find it.  It is crazy!  She follows me from room to room and imitates EVERYTHING that Halo does.  She also really likes ice cubes like her brother!  Well, I hope you and your family are doing well.  Are you all moved yet?  Thanks again for such wonderful puppies.  We really feel lucky to have such good dogs.  Genevieve Elliot

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Hi Heather,


I hope this email finds you guys all well! How is the house deal coming along? Did you get to close? Things are going great here. It's hard to believe Paisley has been home with us for a month already! I wanted to send you some updated pictures. It's crazy how quickly she is growing and changing. She's really a great dog (though I expected nothing less). She's been to 2 puppy classes and is certainly a quick learner. She's doing awesome on her house training. And just like her mom...loves to fetch! However, she can't quite get the concept that she has to drop the ball in order for it to be thrown again. =) She's doing great and we just love her!


Let us know how things are going!  Hope you are well!  Take care, Melissa


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Good Morning Heather, I've been meaning to update you on our sweet little boy!!  First, I need to tell you that our grandkids just kept calling him Dusty, so Dusty it is!!  I hope you are not too disappointed. Dusty is growing like a weed! At the end of this month he will be six months.  I don't think he will be as big as his dad but somewhere between his dad and mom.  Last time I had him in to the vet a few weeks ago he weighed 52 lbs.  So now I think he weighs about 62 or so pounds.   He is all up to date with his shots.  He's a healthy happy puppy!! I think he would play fetch all day long if you would let him!!  He and Gracie play tag a lot, too!  He loves to walk around our 6 acres.  Dusty still sleeps in his kennel next to our bed at night.  He is potty trained.  He loves to go for walks down our country road.  Doing great walking next to me without pulling. He is with me all day and loves being in the house.  Doesn't really want to be outside unless I am out with him!! He loves all his toys and has a toy box.  We love Dusty so much!!  Maggie :)     




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It's been longer then I thought but wanted to update you on our baby Conner! He is doing so well- he has really adjusted perfectly to the farm life, and has traveled with us to the shows.  Boy does he love to get dirty, lol!!  Here are a few pictures that don't really do him justice but I am not good with the camera.  My son Justin just loves Conner so much!! He gives him hugs and kisses all the time.  Conner is SOOO sweet with him and always a gentleman!! Talk to you soon and CONGRATS on your new litter!! – Jessica


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Good evening Heather,


Just wanted to let you know that Forest is doing great!  Here is a picture of him & I on my birthday last Saturday.




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Hey Heather and Mark,

We hope you guys are doing well. We just want to let you know how amazing Sidney is (we named our puppy Sidney Roxanne Zork). :) We are totally in love with our doggy. Not only is she beautiful (she is a head-turner everywhere we go), but she is also incredibly intelligent. Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves, because we can't believe how mature and sweet she is at this young age.

Just to give you an idea, here's a list of commands Sidney already knows:
-Lay down
-Go to your bed
-Go see Mirka/Ben
-Go potty
-Go get it (ball - she LOVES playing fetch)

We've had three play dates with her brother, Indi. The two of them play so hard together - they love it! Sidney can totally take her bigger brother. A couple weeks ago, we took the dogs to Lake Michigan for the first time. Sidney went straight for the water and started swimming. She's a natural. She also likes to splash around in her water bowl. We've never seen a dog who enjoys water as much as Sidney. Good thing we love to swim - we'll be doing a lot of that in the summer. About 2 weeks ago, we took Sidney to the vet for the first time. She did really great. The vet was really impressed with her - everything is fine. She got her second round shots and didn't even flinch.
We take Sidney everywhere we go - she travels in the car a lot and doesn't mind it. Our family and friends can't believe how well socialized she is. Can you tell we're proud of her? :)

We will send you pictures of Sidney soon - she has grown a lot since the last time you saw her.

Greetings from Michigan,
Ben, Mirka & Sidney


On Dec 29, 2007

Hi Guys,

We got your Christmas card! Thanks so much.

Sidney is doing great. She's almost 45 lbs now. She's so sweet and smart. We're very lucky to have such a good dog. She also gets a few chances a month to meet with Indiana (her brother). This is always a lot of fun for her.

Sidney is very healthy and happy. She's been enjoying her freedom from her kennel for almost two months now. She sleeps on her little bed at the foot of ours (and sometimes, when my wife and I are week, on our bed). She's scheduled to be neutered on January 21 (Martin Luther King day) because as a teacher, I'll have the day off and can stay with her at the vet's office. She absolutely loves the snow. There's an unused train bed next to our house and we go on LONG walks in the snow there. She's very inquisitive of her surroundings in nature, but we never have her on a leash because she always stays within 30 feet from us. It's so nice to have a dog that wants to be around us - as opposed to some dogs we've had in the past, dogs that are, for a lack of a better way of describing, like cats. That's not Sidney!!

Sidney is a typical retriever. In the evenings when we're watching T.V. she'll walk up next to us, nose us on the hand and drop a pair of underpants at our feet, or some dirty socks, then look up at us anticipating our approval, which of course she gets. I'm not sure if it's wise of us to reinforce this behavior, but she can't help it, and she's so proud of herself.  

She often brings back items from the woods to the house. One time, for example, I took Sidney out to go potty and, much to my dismay, she selected an entire stalk of corn to bring back to Mirka. She struggled with it all the way back, but was so excited to give it to Mirka when we got back. She dragged it over to her feet and dropped it. Mirka, naturally, pretended to be elated and Sidney looked prouder than ever.




Thanks for your Christmas card – your family is perfect.

Thanks again for Zoey. We love her, thought she is growing up quickly. Here is a recent photo of her with our other dog, Cassidy.

Dave Goetz




Hi Heather....we loved your Christmas card....here is a pic from                      
today...Murphy is already 46 lbs!!!
I hope all is well with you!!!





Thanks for sending the pictures to us!  We printed them off for our report and our puppy class really enjoyed looking at them.  Halo is named for Brandon's favorite video game...but everyone always thinks it is because he is such an angel.  He really is a good puppy.  He is learning really fast now.  He can sit (with or without a treat), lay down, crawl and roll over (with a treat).  He doesn't really know what the latter are, but it is still cute to watch him do it.  I have taken a bunch of pictures of him on our camera (and we've filmed him because we are proud parents), but I haven't uploaded any of the pictures yet so you will have to settle with three that I took on my phone while walking him today.

He absolutely loves tall grass and the creek by our home.  He is definitely a water boy and loves to get down and dirty!  Even though the area where we live is great, next summer when our lease is up we will be looking at buying a house.  We want him to have way more room to romp!!  We will have to try to find something by a creek with a nice walking path and patches of tall grass like where we are now for him!

On another note, Halo now weighs in at a hefty 25 lbs. 

Enjoy the pics!  The first one is him looking up at me as we cross the bridge over the creek.  The second is him telling me to stop taking pictures of him and hurry up!!  The last is him looking down at the spot where we enter the creek, but today we kept walking much to his dismay.  :)

Genevieve and Brandon


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On Dec 10, 2007

Well, Halo graduated from his first round of puppy kindergarten and graduates from the 2nd round on Wednesday!!  He will have an entourage there as our friends are coming to witness the spectacular event!  He is still doing very well.  He is getting a little defiant--for instance if you say, "sit" he looks at you like he doesn't have a clue what you are talking about when you know IN FACT that he does.  :)  He is a VERY LOVING dog.  He likes to lean in against you and put all his weight into it. 

He is over 40 pounds now and can be VERY demanding about what he wants and when he wants it!!  Our little puppy is gone and has been replaced by a big puppy who is looking more and more like an adult every day!!  He also has Chunk's swirly butt/tail hair...it is funny...after a bath it is ALL over the place in EVERY direction!!

He also loves the snow.  He hops in it like a large bunny rabbit and then "eats" it.  He rarely barks, but almost every time he yawns he makes a howling sound.  Daddy spoils him by bringing him home treats from the puppy bakery.  (They look better than human food)!!  He also has a serious addiction to carrots...I will enclose a picture of him with Brandon over lunch today, and I will send a bunch of others when I get on our other laptop!  :)

~Genevieve & Brandon


Caine is doing great...just took him to the vet for his rabies and lyme vaccine and he is up to 41 lbs OMG..  He has only ate one ornament off the tree and has demolished everyones shoes...but he is great...Thank you guys for a wonderful puppy, he goes to camp in february for obedience and hunting training, my husband wants to take him to arkansas the end of this month for a trial run we will see how he does...
Sincerly, Tina  Pegram


Dear Heather,
 Indiana is doing really good we just got home from camping with our
friends and his sister. We are planning to send some pictures here in
the next couple of days, so be watching for them.  He is doing really
good and weighs at least 25 lbs. right now we go to the vet again
tomorrow so we will know exactly what he weighs.  He has learned how to
sit, come, and fetch, and most of the time lay down.  He is fully potty
trained and does really well on the leash walking and running. He is
enjoying his many car rides everywhere we go, and is spoiled and let up
on our bed at night to watch t.v. His favorite show is the muscrats on
the sunday night animal planet. Anyway we are so thrilled to have him
and are supper excited to continue to see him grow! We will be sending
pitures, and our christmas pictures will be coming soon as well we get
them taken tomorrow.
I guess will talk to you soon pictures are on the way and will send some
togethr so you can see the differences.
Kent, Lindsey, & Indy


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The Voth Family with their puppy “Cody”  Sept. 07


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